Analyst coverage

The sell-side analysts listed below cover TKH:

BrokerAnalystTarget pricePublication date
ABN AMRO - ODDOMartijn den Drijver€47.50November 2023
BerenbergTrion Reid€55.00July 2024
Degroof PetercamMichael Roeg€55.00September 2023
JefferiesDavid Kerstens€54.00August 2024
INGTijs Hollestelle€52.00November 2023
KBC SecuritiesThibault Leneeuw€55.00July 2024
KeplerRuben Devos€47.00August 2024
The IDEA!Maarten Verbeek€60.50March 2024
Van Lanschot KempenChase Coughlan€44.00September 2024

TKH Group NV (´TKH´) is followed by the analysts at these brokerage firms. The list may not be complete and is subject to change. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding TKH's performance made by the analysts at these brokerage firms are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of TKH or its management. TKH does not by its reference above or distribution imply, and expressly disclaims, any endorsement of or concurrence with any information, estimates, forecasts, opinions, conclusions or recommendations provided by these analysts.