TKH on the Healthcare Strategy Platform

News Release

Haaksbergen, the Netherlands

7 Oct 2012


TKH Care Solutions was well represented with three companies on the Healthcare Strategy Platform, which took place on 30 and 31 May 2012 in Zeist (the Netherlands).

Participants in this two-day event are the senior decision makers from the healthcare sector. TKH Care Solutions seeks in this way new contacts and maintain existing contacts to exchange developments in the health care sector. From TKH Care Solutions, Mextal (Nuenen), KLS Netherlands (Hoogeveen and Almere) and Isolectra (Capelle a / d IJssel) participated the event.

The program of the Healthcare Strategy Platform is made on the basis of a study based on more than 100 interviews with senior decision makers in the industry. It has several components: personal meetings ('partner calls'), presentations, workshops and group discussions.

Alexander van der Lof, Chairman of the Executive Board of TKH also gave a presentation on the theme: "Technology in the chain as a solution to health care issues: how innovation helps the sector". Using innovations, TKH Care Solutions concentrates on social trends such as the demand to improve efficiency and effectiveness in health care sector. Mr Van der Lof concluded that both ICT and technology can contribute the primary and secondary process, to solve issues that healthcare organizations have to face.


News Release TKH - Healthcare Strategy Platform